My Birthing Philosophy

"We have a secret in our culture. It's not that birth is hard, it's that women are strong." - Laura Stavoe

C'Mon Baby! I Believe:

* Every woman deserves a Doula, if she wants one.

* Each pregnancy and birth journey is unique and one of a kind

* My role is to support Mamma and Baby. Sometimes I lead, such as suggesting comfort techniques and choices. But many times I follow simply by listening, observing and responding.

* Childbirth often unfolds as a natural process--you AND your baby know what you're doing! There's a saying, "your body grew it; it knows how to birth it."

* When a birthing woman softens, and trusts her body, birth happens!

* A Doula's role is to help to soothe and support the body, mind and spirit during your unique, natural and miraculous passage into motherhood. My role is also to guide your partner/support team to be as involved as their comfort level allows.

* The fewer "unnecessary" medical interventions, the better for Mom and Baby.

* All women deserve to receive evidence-based information so that they understand their options and are able to make confident decisions.

* With the proper support and encouragement, birth can be a journey of self-discovery and a way to connect with your inner strength. You are capable of accomplishing so much!

* Nurturing birth environments, where gentle, respectful caregivers encourage women to work with their bodies to achieve normal, natural, peaceful births, usually result in babies who are more alert and able to self-attach and breastfeed successfully.

* Women can have a positive birth experience anywhere, as long as she is listened to, treated with compassion, feels in control of her birth and has competent care.

* I BELIEVE that respect for the incredible miracle of birth, awareness that your body knows exactly what it's doing, and a calming birth environment will help you love your precious baby into this world.

This "new life" has her or his own experience during the birth experience that can have long term effects. There are a multitude of studies focused on the effects of babies at birth, and they all seem to lead to a similar conclusion:  being born in a safe, loving, secure environment will give them the best start to life, both mentally and physically.  Studies have also shown that babies born with doulas present tend to have shorter hospital stays with fewer admissions to special care nurseries, breast feed more easily and have more affectionate mothers in the postpartum period.

No matter how many times I am blessed to accompany Mommas and Babes through this journey, I hold each moment in reverence. I'd be honored to join your support team. I feel I am there for your Baby's safest entrance into this world, "as life excitedly guides your baby's arrival!"

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